The body knows its way
“and then the day came
when the risk
to remain tight in a bud,
was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom.”
In our pain and discomfort lies our soul’s deep desire to turn more to ourselves and to listen to ourselves. We long to find our way back into our flow and rhythm of life and to feel the quality of inner peace and balance in our lives. This is also the origin of a desire for change or even personal growth and development. This includes, among other things, a motivation to research and develop our own personality, to formulate questions of meaning and an urge to offer our own path of life other possibilities and more freedom. This process brings us closer to our very own imprints, to patterns of our own behaviour and thinking.
In a framework that creates trust, we want to jointly recognize and resolve what prevents us from moving forward with confidence and trust. We cultivate what nourishes and strengthens to get in touch with ourselves in all honesty.
Here, in attachment, we formulate our very own values, intentions and qualities of life. We learn, moment by moment, to create our very own personal path and to follow it with trust, courage, and determination - no matter what.
... is a meeting place where we can meet ourselves as well as forgotten or apparently lost parts of our personality
. .. is the dwelling place of our heart and soul, our inherent power
. .. is the birthplace of confidence, courage and determination
... provides the framework for development and a feeling of trust, love and compassion.
”The feeling for how worthy we are, lies in this essential core like a pearl closed in a shell. By getting in touch with our body, layer by layer, moment by moment, breath by breath, we establish a deeper connection with our own self-worth.
Therefore, our body and dealing with self-acceptance, self-love and self-efficacy are the focus of our joint work.
We start by perceiving, recognizing, reflecting, getting into motion, dissolving, releasing, shaking off, and we finish by walking new paths.” - Saskia Schreiber
... that we can go through our lives with (more) trust, confidence and a "YES" in our hearts, whether timid or full of strength...
… that we learn techniques and exercises that serve as a reminder in times of turmoil and stabilize us in our everyday lives.
… to strengthen our own intuition, to give our bodies and its signals sufficient space and time and listen to it...
… that we encounter the magic of life with gratitude and appreciation...
… that we take personal responsibility for our dreams and wishes with compassion for ourselves and others.
... that we always remember to let go and enjoy the here and now.
... that we never forget to laugh, to love and also to shake hands with strangers.
... that we see ourselves as part of nature, plants, and animals, treat them with respect and meet them with humility.